Consecration Rite for All Purposes (PGM IV.1596-1715)
The following English translation is part of Chapter 12 from the forthcoming book, Interlinear Magic: An Anthology of the Greco-Egyptian Magical Papyri, which supplements this translation of PGM IV.1596-1715 with a historical introduction, commentary, interlinear (ancient Greek and English) translation, and additional tools.
The rite mentions five possibilities for the types of things that can be consecrated: a stone (λίθος, lines 13, 34, 56, 81), a phylactery (lines 14, 30, 33, 40, 48, 52, 60, 65, 75), a “god” (probably a divine statue, lines 37, 44), a ring (lines 51, 81), or an engraving (γλυφή, line 52). In the English translation that follows, the underlined phrases can be replaced with these other options (or adapted beyond this).
This translation is protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. Do not reproduce it without explicit written permission. © Copyright 2022 Brian P. Alt.
This is the consecration rite for all purposes. The spoken formula to the sun:
“I invoke you, the greatest god, eternal lord, ruler of the cosmos, you who are over the cosmos and under the cosmos, the mighty ruler of the sea, shining straightaway at dawn, rising from the east for the whole cosmos, setting in the west.
“Come to me, you who rise from the four winds, propitious Agathos Daimon, for whom heaven has become the way of revelry.
“I invoke your sacred and great and hidden names, for which you rejoice upon hearing them. The earth flourished when you shone upon it, and the plants bore fruit when you laughed; the animals produced offspring when you inclined towards them.
“Give glory and honor and grace and fortune and power to this phylactery, which I consecrate today for NN.
“I invoke you, the great one in heaven: Ēi, Lankhukk, Akarēn. Bal Misthrēn, Martamathath, Lailaim, Mousouthi, Siethō, Bathabathi, Iatmōn, Alei, Iabath Abaōth, Sabaōth, Adōnai, the great god Horsenophrē Orgeatēs Tothornatēsa Krithi Biōthi, Iadmō, Iatmōmi, Methiēi, Lonkhoō, Akarē, Bal Minthrē, Banebaikhkhukhkhouphri, Notheousi Thrai Arsiouth, Erōnerther, the radiant sun shining upon the entire inhabited world.
“You are the great Serpent, who precedes all the gods, you who possess the origin of Egypt and the completion of the entire inhabited world, you who accomplish the act of procreation in the Ocean, Psoï Phnouthi Ninthēr. You are the one who becomes visible each day and who sets in the northwest of the sky, rising in the southeast.
“In the first hour, you have the form of a cat; the name for you is Pharakounēth. Give glory and grace to this phylactery.
“In the second hour, you have the form of a dog; the name for you is Souphi. Give strength and honor to this phylactery.
“In the third hour, you have the form of a snake; the name for you is Amekranebekheo Thōuth. Give honor to this phylactery.
“In the fourth hour, you have the form of a scarab beetle; the name for you is Senthenips. Provide strong support on this night for this phylactery, for which the ritual is completed.
“In the fifth hour, you have the form of a donkey; the name for you is Enphankhouph. Give strength and courage and power to this phylactery.
“In the sixth hour, you have the form of a lion; the name for you is Bai Solbai, the one who is lord over time. Give success and beautiful victory to this phylactery.
“In the seventh hour, you have the form of a goat; the name for you is Oumesthōth. Give allure to this phylactery.
“In the eighth hour, you have the form of a bull; the name for you is Diatiphē, the one who becomes visible above. Let all things be accomplished by means of this phylactery.
“In the ninth hour, you have the form of a falcon; the name for you is Phēous Phōouth, the lotus having grown from the Abyss. Give success and good opportunity to this phylactery.
“In the tenth hour, you have the form of a baboon; the name for you is Besbuki.
“In the eleventh hour, you have the form of an ibis; the name for you is Mou Rōph. Consecrate the great phylactery for the good NN, from this very day and for all time.
“In the twelfth hour, you have the form of a crocodile; the name for you is Aerthoē.
“Having set late in the day as an old man, you are the one over the cosmos and under the cosmos. O mighty ruler of the sea! Hear my voice on this very day, on this night, in these sacred hours, and let everything be accomplished by this phylactery, which I consecrate.
“Truly, O lord Kmēph! Loutheouth, Orphoikhe, Ortilibekhoukh, Ierkhe, Roum, Iperitaō, Uaï.
“I adjure earth and heaven and light and darkness and the great god who created the All, Sarousin, you, the one standing nearby, Good Daimonion, to accomplish everything for me by means of this phylactery.”
When you finish the consecration, say: “The one Zeus is Sarapis.”
© Copyright 2022 Brian P. Alt